Follow this step-by-step guide, and learn about our payment methods

You’ve checked a few coaches, and now it looks like you’ve found a coach who meets your needs. What’s next? Time to book a session so that you can start learning!

  • Select “Buy sessions
  • Select skill you want to improve in the sidebar-menu
  • Choose session duration
  • Select date and time
  • Make a payment. Available payment options are Stripe and Wallet

Available payment options are Stripe and Wallet.

  • Meet your coach at the lesson time

You can take your online session on the HSE website, on a “Sessions” page.

If you enjoyed your session and want to continue practicing with the coach, get a package of session hours. You get to choose the duration of your regular sessions. Regular sessions can range in length from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Client schedule session date & time

In cases when single session has been bought, date & time is selected immediately before checkout, and for cases when multiple sessions were bought, clients will need to schedule each session from the package individually.

Client scheduled session

Right after scheduling we display pre-session survey where client needs to provide goals and challenges.

Ready to enter into the session

15 minutes before scheduled session start time, client is able to enter room (button start to be active).

Coach already started session – No

Coach already started session – Yes

Client is able to report session after 5 minutes in lobby

When coach didn’t start the session in 5 minutes after scheduled time, client will see report button that will appear at the bottom of the screen. If coach and client didn’t chat about any delays, client can click on report button and fill-out the report form to get a a refund.

Session in Progress

Client has ability to report the ongoing session

If session started as scheduled but coach dropped off at its beginning or anything else went wrong, client can click on Leave button inside the call, get to this screen and report session from here.

Coach ended the session

When coach left the session room and ended the session, client automatically moves to this page where he/she can confirm session or report it.

In case if coach left but didn’t ended the session, it should automatically end the session X minutes after scheduled end.

Client closed the tab

When client closed the browser tab without confirming or reporting, it will indicate pending action in platform header.

Also, on the sessions page, the same actions will be indicated for completed sessions that weren’t confirmed.

Client confirmed session and received post-session email

Client reported session and requested refund