The HSE platform supports convenient digital coaching sessions with access to video conferencing and online chat. To ensure you and your clients get the most out of every session, we recommend experimenting with our platform in advance and ensuring you have a strong internet connection before launching a lesson.

A poor internet connection can lead to dropped calls, issues with video and audio quality, and regular interruptions. These could lead to negative client reviews, which can harm your reputation as a coach. 

Here are some quick tips to ensure your connectivity is suitable for your coaching session: 

  • Ensure you have a strong Wi-Fi connection, or use an ethernet cable for a wired connection. Don’t rely on mobile internet. 
  • If your connection is weak, consider moving closer to your router or restarting it if you encounter sudden problems. 
  • If connection issues occur suddenly, try restarting your computer and troubleshooting your connectivity using your device’s integrated tools. 
  • Close all tabs and internet-connected apps you’re not using during a session. This can reduce the strain on your internet bandwidth.
  • Pause any downloads or uploads taking place during a coaching session. 
  • If your video connection is poor, but your audio is strong, consider asking your client whether they’re happy to complete the session using audio only. 
  • If you plan on conducting sessions from a public location, such as an internet cafe or a co-working space, check the internet connection before the session begins. 

If you continuously have issues with your internet connection, contact your internet service provider for advice or run an in-depth diagnostics test on your network.

After checking your internet connectivity, if you find that you don’t have any problems with your connection but still struggle to run high-quality sessions, contact the HSE customer support team. We may be able to help you troubleshoot additional issues.