Learn more about commission HSE charges

What commission does HSE charge?

It’s free to sign up for HSE, and we don’t charge a fee to host your profile. Commission is only charged when a coach starts to get bookings from clients. For all the subsequent sessions, HSE takes a flat 30% of the coaching fee.

The 30% is invested into running HSE, R&D, certification standards, and development. The coach profits from the network of a steady stream of new clients to coach. Marketing, advertising, and productizing to make this happen is why the fee.

Where does the commission go?

A large part of our commission is invested in bringing clients to the platform from all around the globe. We invest heavily in platform optimization and technical improvement to create a world-class online study space that will enhance your coaching experience, and attract and retain even more clients in the long term. To guide you along every step of your coaching journey, we offer free training webinars. Finally, we provide multilingual customer support to help you with all your questions as quickly as possible.