Your profile on HSE tells other users everything they need to know about you. As a coach, this profile is your opportunity to convince clients to purchase sessions from you. 

We recommend dedicating a decent amount of time and effort to making your profile stand out and showcasing your credentials.

When signing up for an HSE account, you’ll be asked to enter profile details, but you can edit your profile at any time by logging into your account and clicking on your profile picture to select the My Profile option.

There are 9 main sections:

Updating your profile information

Whenever you want to make changes to your profile, simply log into your account and click through the tabs in the Profile and Settings section to update each section. You can change your profile photo or video, update your description, add discounts, and more. 

Notably, you won’t be able to customize or change the reviews you receive from clients, but you can review them anytime. If you feel those reviews are unfair, you can contact the HSE team and ask us to assess them.