Learn how to customize your availability
Setting up your work hours
  • Go to the Availability page.
  • You’ll see a similar weekly calendar as in the Sessions tab.
  • Click to create a time slot, for example, every day from 8:00 till 19:00.
  • To delete a slot, click on a ‘Bucket’ button.
How to add more variable coaching time?

You can add time-off in case you have an emergency or if you are on vacation. Clients will not be able to schedule sessions at the specified time. Time-off can be of any duration and can be scheduled for any time of the day or even for the whole day/week. Time-off is non-recurring – it only blocks off the specified time.

  • Click on the Add button.
  • Select the period you want to mark as unavailable.
  • Click the ‘Save changes’ button.