Learn about violations and penalties and how to avoid them

To ensure that the HSE platform provides top-quality learning services, we have developed several rules and regulations for coaches. Please read them carefully before you start teaching at HSE.

The violation of these rules will result in hiding and/or blocking the coach’s profile from search results. For multiple or severe violations of these rules, the profile will be blacklisted and removed from the platform.

What is not acceptable on the HSE platform?
  1. Getting payments from HSE clients outside the platform.
  2. Canceling and/or not attending scheduled sessions without rescheduling (especially a first session with a new client). We understand that anything can happen at any time. However, if you don’t show up or cancel a session without providing a client with a valid reason, it will negatively affect clients motivation to learn. Therefore, it is expected that HSE coaches attend all scheduled sessions. Cancellations are not recommended in any instances. For more information, please see here.
  3. Sharing any contact information or links before the first session has been purchased. Contact details that are not permissible to share include, but are not limited to: phone number, email, Skype name, full name, and nicknames in social networks. If you’re experiencing technical issues in the HSE platform and need to conduct your session elsewhere, you may share these contact details, but only after the client has purchased a first session. Sharing any links (e.g. teaching materials, books, YouTube videos, payment details, other websites with coaching services, etc.) before the session has been purchased is also not allowed.
  4. Sharing links to other websites with coaching services. Your profile will be blocked if you send links to other coaching platforms. You may, however, share internal HSE links, books, articles and other learning resources — but only after the client has purchased a first session.
  5. Sharing any contact information, full names, links, and emails in the coach’s profile description or video.
  6. Violation of social norms and rules including inappropriate behavior, sexual harassment, fraud. Each complaint will be investigated individually by the HSE team, and strict actions can be initiated.
  7. Posting advertisements and recruitment announcements searching for employees or sending such content via the HSE messaging system.
  8. Providing misleading information and pricing in a coach’s profile.
  9. Registering two or more coach profiles on the platform.
Additional rules

HSE reserves the sole right to assess, resolve, and make decisions about the above-mentioned rule violations, as well as other disputes involving users of the platform or HSE itself.